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Borated Polyethylene Neutron Shielding by Nuclear Lead Company Inc

At Nuclear Lead Company, Inc., we offer lead shielding for all radioactive and nuclear facilities. We serve a wide variety of industries and offer custom lead shielding options to meet the needs of different environments and applications. Our borated polyethylene neutron shielding products are carefully designed and manufactured to be high-quality, safe, effective, and comply with all local and federal regulations. Call us now to request a quote or learn more about our options for neutron radiation protection.

High-Density Borated Polyethylene Sheets for Radiation Shielding by Nuclear Lead Company Inc

What Is Borated Polyethylene?

Borated polyethylene is a lightweight, cost-effective material that offers neutron radiation protection. It is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic that contains 5% boron by weight. It is ideal for a wide range of applications due to its durability, consistent density, and ability to absorb and attenuate neutron radiation.

Boron-Enriched Polyethylene Panel for Radiation Protection by Nuclear Lead Company Inc

How Does Borated Polyethylene Offer Neutron Radiation Protection Shielding?

Radioactive fields are made up of different types of radiation, including fast neutrons, thermal neutrons, primary gamma rays, and secondary gamma rays. Borated polyethylene is designed to attenuate these different types of radiation. The material slows down neutrons and absorbs slow neutrons, as well as shields against resulting radiation. Polyethylene contains a high concentration of hydrogen atoms, which have a similar mass to neutrons. This allows them to transfer energy to the neutrons through collisions. Boron atoms can effectively capture and absorb thermal neutrons. Borated polyethylene combines the hydrogen atoms in polyethylene with boron atoms, allowing the material to slow and absorb both fast neutrons and slower thermal neutrons.

Applications of Borated Polyethylene

Because borated polyethylene is so easily customizable, it can be used in a wide range of applications and environments. Our products are ideal for medical, nuclear, and industrial uses, including:

We have created borated polyethylene products in standard and custom sizes and shapes for a wide range of industries and environments, including:

  • Seaport, airport, and border security stations and facilities
  • Nuclear power plants, reactors, and storage facilities
  • Nuclear-powered vessels and vehicles
  • Linear particle accelerators
  • Transport containers
  • Nuclear submarines
  • Medical facilities
  • Medical vaults
  • Neutron therapy rooms
  • Industrial settings
  • Research facilities

Benefits of Borated Polyethylene as a Radiation Shielding Material

Borated polyethylene is much easier to install, maintain, and use than other lead-lined products. It performs as well, if not better than lead-lined products, but is highly cost-effective. Because it is lightweight, durable, and low maintenance, it can be easily customized to meet almost any need. Other benefits of using borated polyethylene as a radiation shielding material are:

  • Available in a variety of types and grades and can be easily customized
  • Can be fabricated in a variety of shapes and sizes, including slabs, bricks, pellets, rods, and spheres
  • Lightweight, cost-effective, and versatile
  • Low-maintenance
  • Consistent density and homogeneity

Regulations and Standards for Neutron Radiation Shielding Materials

Regulations for neutron radiation shielding materials are governed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard ISO 14152:2001. This ISO standard outlines dose limits, neutron fluence, spectral neutron fluence, and guidelines for assessing and designing materials for radiation shielding. Further regulations are set and enforced by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Our neutron radiation shielding materials and products meet or exceed all relevant regulatory standards and government certifications for use in medical, nuclear, industrial, and security applications.

Why Choose Nuclear Lead Company Inc.

At Nuclear Lead Company Inc. we have over 50 years of experience in the nuclear and radiation protection industry. We have earned a reputation for excellence and are known for our quality products, reliability, fast turnaround time, customization options, and amazing customer service. Many of our products are available for immediate shipping anywhere in the United States, and custom design and fabrication are available. Our clients include medical facilities and laboratories, nuclear facilities, Department of Energy laboratories, and more. We design and manufacture all products with precision to ensure efficacy. Our high-quality lead products offer superior protection from radiation and ensure compliance with all regulatory agencies.

Contact Us for Customized Borated Polyethylene Shielding

If you’re interested in learning more about our standard or customized borated polyethylene shielding products, our knowledgeable staff is ready to help. Contact us today to ask questions, discuss our inventory, provide the specifications for a custom project, or request a quote. We offer lead products for protective shielding for lead storage and radioactive items in the medical, nuclear, industrial, and safety sectors.