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Lead Lined Glass by Nuclear Lead

At Nuclear Lead Company, we have earned a reputation as a trusted, reliable provider of protection products for nuclear and radioactive environments. For over 50 years, we have developed and manufactured quality products that have a wide range of applications and that protect our customers in an array of environments, including nuclear facilities, medical laboratories, and more. Our high-quality lead products include lead lined glass, which offers superior protection against radiation. Call us now to learn more about our selection of lead lined glass products or to discuss custom lead lined glass products.

Lead-lined Glass Providing Radiation Protection by Nuclear Lead Company Inc

What Is Lead Lined Glass?

Lead lined glass is a type of annealed glass that is composed of lead oxide and other heavy metals. It is manufactured to provide effective radiation protection by absorbing any radiation emitted. Our lead lined glass is composed of high-quality materials and has a uniform density, ensuring it offers reliable radiation protection in any environment. It has been rated for radiation protection against medical x-rays, alpha and beta particles, and gamma rays.

Premium Lead Glass Designed for Radiation Shielding in Healthcare Facilities by Nuclear Lead

Are Lead Lined Glass and Radiation Shielding Glass the Same?

Yes, lead lined glass and radiation shielding glass are the same thing. Both terms are used to describe glass with a high lead content that is designed to absorb radiation while still allowing visibility. However, radiation shielding glass may be composed of other materials beyond lead and heavy metals.

Applications of Lead Lined Glass

Lead lined glass offers protection for employees, patients, and anyone else who is in a high-risk environment and could be at risk of exposure to radiation. Our lead lined glass is specifically designed to meet the 2mm lead equivalency, which means that it can be used in medical and laboratory settings. Some of the industries and settings we serve with our lead lined glass products are:

  • Airport security
  • Medical imaging, including x-ray stations and MRI stations
  • Medical radiation shielding
  • Industrial applications, including industrial x-ray imaging, electron beam shielding, and non-destructive testing
  • Dental offices and dental laboratories
  • Laboratories
  • Radioactive storage stations
  • Nuclear fuel development plants
  • Nuclear shielding

Our lead lined glass products include:

  • X-ray and radiation shielding glass barriers
  • Portable or mobile leaded barriers
  • Safety goggles or lead lined glasses lenses
  • Protective screens for radiation testing facilities
  • Protective screens for plasma generators
  • Protective screens for medical diagnostics
  • Custom radiation shielding for nuclear plants and storage stations
  • Lead-lined shielding glass in standard sizes and thicknesses for use as protective windows or observation windows in laboratories, medical diagnostic facilities, airport security x-ray stations, and more

Benefits of Using Lead Glass for Radiation Shielding

Lead lined glass offers reliable, safe, and effective shielding from radiation. It is ideal for use in a wide variety of environments, industries, and applications and is specifically designed to offer protection from x-ray radiation and gamma rays. The biggest benefits of using lead glass for radiation shielding are:

  • Protection for employees and workers
  • Protection for patients
  • Compliance with federal and local safety regulations
  • Limited liability for accidents or injuries
  • Wide variety of applications and endless customization options

Radiation Protection Customization

We offer custom radiation protection products and lead machining. We will work closely with you to understand the scope of your project, its application, your environment, and your needs. We design and manufacture radiation protection products that meet all federal regulations and equivalencies to ensure protection. We can customize our lead lined glass products to any size, shape, thickness, and application.

Why Choose Us as Your Radiation Shielding Glass Manufacturers

At Nuclear Lead Company Inc. we have over 50 years of experience in the nuclear and radioactive protection industry. All of our lead glass products either meet or exceed the regulations established by the National Council of Radiation Protection (NCRP) and ICRP. We offer quality products manufactured from quality materials. We have a team of skilled, highly experienced scientists and engineers who are committed to developing innovative new safety products that meet the needs of a variety of industries and applications. We offer a wide range of custom radiation and nuclear protection products and can design and develop a product that meets your specific needs. Our products are manufactured with a swift turnaround time and are affordable, effective, and safe.

Learn More About Our Radiation Glass Shielding Products

Our team is ready to learn more about the scope of your project and your lead product needs. We specialize in protective shielding, custom-made lead products, lead storage containers for radioactive items, lead machining, nuclear shielding, medical radiation shielding, and more. Contact us today to learn more about our radiation glass shielding products and find out how we can help you improve safety in your industry.